New: Gender Community Breaking Barriers Podcast Episode 3


This event, led by the LGBTQ+ Community, is an introduction to the GCD&I OUT@work programme which aims to promote better inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in all Signatories and Partner organisations that form part of the GCD&I community. The initiative aims to provide encouragement, as well as ways and means to:

  • Improve diversity in the workplace, making it more equitable and inclusive for the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Provide the LGBTQ+ community with tools for growth, development and visibility in the professional sphere

Date: Monday 4th September, 2023
Venue: Central London
Time: 11:00 until 17:30 UK (followed by drinks)

Deadline for registration: 21 August 2023

Final Programme :  see here

The target audience for this event is the LGBTQ+ community working in GCD&I Signatory and Partner organisations. The level of seniority is not important as we are keen to encourage complementary contributions and different perspectives. Subject to capacity, we also encourage  participation from General Counsel and Partner sponsors who support their LGBTQ+ participants.  Note that capacity is limited and the aim is to achieve a good mix, so we may not be able to accommodate everyone who registers interest, although we are keen to encourage anyone who is interested to make contact so we can hopefully accommodate as part of the GCD&I OUT@work programme in the future.

For more information about how to register interest contact