New: Gender Community Breaking Barriers Podcast Episode 3
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Social Mobility Community

Working to open up in-house and private practice to all lawyers, regardless of their backgrounds or social status

Meet the Social Mobility Community Team

Some GCD&I Resources include


GCD&I: Metrics Framework: From Data to Dialogue

A Framework which includes a set of standardised questions that Signatories can use to generate data from their law firms about D&I performance, and use as a basis for more meaningful conversations about D&I. Our goal is to standardise metrics to help measure progress; drive accountability and provide a platform for the conversation between clients and law firms.


GCD&I Spotlight Session: Mentoring for Junior Lawyers Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways from one of a series of Virtual Sessions which aim to provide Signatories, and the wider GCD&I Community, with an opportunity to share practical insights, experiences, and challenges with a view to driving greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion across the legal profession.


GCD&I Nudge Cards: Engagement with Law Firms

Nudge Cards to support Signatories in their engagement with law firms across all areas of D&I. There are three cards which capture: 5 Principles for General Counsel engagement with law firms; 5 questions to ask Leaders & Partners; and 5 questions to ask D&I Functions.

Lead Partner and Executive Search Firms supporting the Social Mobility Community